The other day it occurred to me that I had been greatly inspired to write, which is significant due to the recent absence of said inspiration. However, that doesn’t mean that I’m exactly sure what it is that I’ve become so passionate to talk about. By means of comparison the movie “Rudy” sticks out in my mind as being one of the most inspirational success stories. The little scrawny kid scores the game winning touchdown, not because he’s good but because the team felt sorry for him. Upon watching the movie I went for a jog and it felt like I could conquer the world. The point is that I’m never compelled to make an emotive response to that which could be readily duplicated.
Obscurity alone isn’t enough to invoke the intangible sense of corporeity that is essential to effectual communication. All sorts of questions arise in regards to content being fully understood by the audience. We are conditioned to be temperate, inclusive and non-partisan, but at the same time it would be heretical to suggest that a disconnect between artist and audience is nothing more than a disparity of enlightenment. The only way in which my views are shaped is when an element of sagaciousness is woven into the presentation of an idea, image, or concept. If you follow this thought process a little bit farther you begin to see the unattractive nature of folly, the simple appeal of symmetry, and the repulsive state of chaos in which humanity participates; whether willingly or unwillingly.
We are forced to evaluate our own ineptitude to abide in what we would imagine to be an idealistic sanctuary. Sanctuary being defined as the place in which all of our best personal attributes are collectively gathered and used for the mutual betterment of our peers. It makes us stop and ponder about the possibility that just maybe there is a God who set this thing into motion in a logical and orderly fashion. Does it not seem rather odd that there would be such an undeniable sense of self worth that is only experienced when there is evidence indicating that all is well? The concept itself isn’t even limited to Christianity, for there is much talk about alignment of one’s self to “the source.” What I’m trying to establish is that affirmation, purpose and a fixed direction are integral not only to an individual’s role in society, but also his/her responsibility to fulfill their role in history.
Perhaps more than anything else, we as humans struggle with maintaining the proper perspective, in relation to the significance of our lives. State of mind isn’t static. The information we receive is manipulated greatly by a myriad of factors. One of those factors being the presence of emotions that can range from elation to depression. The point is that despite making a concerted effort to reach a target audience there is always a measure of unpredictability. I’m persuaded that truth resounds more resolutely than anything else, as elusive as it may seem to be, it will always present itself in a way that can’t be substituted by anything else.
I will close with by reiterating that which I have previously discussed with a quote made by Professor Hector in -The History Boys, 2006.
“The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - that you'd thought special, particular to you. And here it is, set down by someone else, a person you've never met, maybe even someone long dead. And it's as if a hand has come out, and taken yours.”