Thursday, December 28, 2023

Ineluctable Asininity

I haven’t decided what my primary topic of my annual year end blog will be about,

but I do know that I’m struggling in my efforts to ensure that it will be something

pleasant to read.This blog has had nearly 15000 views, and I truly do appreciate everyonewho takes the time to read it.

My Christmas dinner conversations went something like this…

Did you know that Wab Kinew wants to

expropriathomes in your community, and fill them with refugees etc?  

To which the response was “ Wab who?” 

“Oh, the same guy who wants to build more casinos, and liquor marts?”        

If the “globalists” have their way, you will own nothing and I guarantee

that you will certainly not be happy about it.I own a handful of sheep,

which graze on roughly 15 acres of land, and they’re hell bent on taking

them away too.  It meant that I’ve had to spend a considerable amount of time

talking to provincial ministers and municipal leaders,

defending my little patch of dirt, why is it such a big deal you ask?

Just wait until they come for yours. 

Reductio ad absurdum:    

Health care workers/ politicians referring to their work environment as an 


Sitting in a waiting room for 36 hours or more will earn you a place on

the endangered species list. 

It’s cheaper to buy a new electric razor than it is to buy replacement blades for it. 

It’s cheaper to buy a 40lb bag of dog food shipped in a cardboard box by a courier,

than it is to buy a full pallet of it at the store.  

Canadian tent cities. Need I say more?


I’m looking at 2024 like this: 

Pollievre will axe the tax and rub the feet of his new best friend Jagmeet.

A new president who's not Donald J. Trump will make November 5th a day to


We'll work, eat, and sleep... and breed more sheep!

One thing is for sure, the train isn’t stopping anytime soon.


We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.  - Ayn Rand

The world we live in is vastly different from the world we think we live in 

- Nassim Taleb

Friday, December 16, 2022



It's year end again, and all I've got is a collection of fragmented thoughts. -  Elon's liberation campaign has left me sputtering and twittering about life on other planets; long live their flatness. 

Watch as our white Christmas turns to mush. - Said the Whale

I happened to listen to a radio discussion about how George Orwell painted a perfect picture of the great authoritarian figures, such as Mr. Putin and the Donald Trump. - No mention of their fascist counterparts.  Biden the Incompetent or Trudeau the Terrible.   The never ending call to sacrifice, and state sponsored fratricide. 

Right left, it's all the same. In a free society, one does not have to deal with those who are irrational. One is free to avoid them.   -Ayn Rand

Inflation is running rampant, and I'm quickly finding much in common with the Alaskan roadkill salvage  harvesters.  I recognize the dangers of having a poverty mindset, but the self-help folks take full advantage of that as well.  I read a comment the other day where a lady who subscribes to the "Unslaved" podcast says that she is so happy when she sees her monthly subscription payment come out. 

“It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”   - Alexis de Tocqueville


My 3 year old claims to know all that there is to know about God, and currently asks questions such as these: If God is everywhere, and can do everything, why doesn't he heal me? He can't do it alone? Does he live too far away? Is the Doctor better? 

If weeds have all of these benefits to humans, animals, and soil... then they most definitely couldn't have been an after thought.  Does one then conclude that "the fallen" world, the chaos and destruction... is simply a matter of perspective?  

I'm not going to make any predictions or resolutions... only that whatever happens has already happened... or will happen again.  - You can thank history, for that. 


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Mr. Anderson

The perfection of a convenient, efficient distribution network is undoubtebly a necessary component of our "modern" existance.  The problem is that it has all but eliminated local butchers, bakers, and small farms. We are so addicted to technology, and think we can cancel hatred, racism, and discrimination by boycotting and condemning guys like Joel Salatin for being white supremacists, simply because they get up in the morning and feed their herbivorous solar converting carbon sequestering fertilization units.

You can live in the Matrix so long as you are ingesting the choices that are being offered.  The lies and disinformation that is being served by the right and left are equally as unplatable. The red pill might appear to be the more logical choice for some… but it really truly becomes an addiction. Right wing disinformation is being pumped in with such incredible speed that it makes doing conclusive fact based research nearly impossible.

I read a sign saying:  Freedom Convoy 2022 - Supporting LGBTQ Truckers. If that was what it was really about would the Emergency Act has been invoked? Absolutely not. Slaves, puppets, and masters...the corruption abounds. There is certainly some remedy in the common law, but it is costly and it can only go so far. Contracting with the devil is still a dangerous game regardless of your uppercase or lower case claim to fame.   

Regenerative agriculture, permaculture, and living holistically inspires hope. It is so absolutely critical to recognize that despite how smart we think we are, nature does things better than we ever could... but we also have the ability to form and shape the outcome. There is a significant difference between reacting to a situation and responding to it with predetermined action. We can't solve the world's problems, but we can work towards self sustainability, find ways to meet the needs of the local community

 “The tragic reality is that very few sustainable systems are designed or applied by those who hold power, and the reason for this is obvious and simple: to let people arrange their own food, energy and shelter is to lose economic and political control over them. We should cease to look to power structures, hierarchical systems, or governments to help us, and devise ways to help ourselves.”
-      Bill Mollison

Friday, December 31, 2021

Atlas Shrugged.

Tis time for my annual scribblings. My good friends from Yandexland still check in on me every now and again, so that’s something right?  I haven’t received any recent blog requests from my “super fans” recently though, what’s up with that?  Having said that, I don’t know that I really care one way or the other. You have either chosen the red or the blue pill, and for all the contrarians out there, an dastardly shade of purple.

Isn’t that where life is really lived anyway? The grey zones… the periphery… the implied. 

Saying goodbye to the creature comforts that are taken for granted won't necessarily be pleasant. You may very well be find yourself eating grasshopper stew day in and day out.  -The perks of continuously updating government issued ration cards I suppose.

This coming year is going to be a wonderful chance to move past all of the noise.

Here's to 2022.   Let's Go Brand..  oops. haha

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Carassius Auratus Paeluis


This isn’t so much a blog as it is a memorandum for the remnant. The world is changing and it’s hard to just sit by and watch it fall apart. I don’t care what your opinion is on the matter… it’s wrong, plain and simple. There are probably people who have and will be able to predict what is about to happen with some degree of accuracy, but that is as good as it’s going to get.  

Self-sufficiency, anti-fragility, and resiliency are the buzzwords of the day. Each one of those things would inspire the world to action if it weren’t for Anne Frank. Locked down for years, eating nothing but beans only to be hauled away and burned. If the earth is flat or round it doesn’t much matter because you can’t fly around or across it right now without your immunity badge pinned to your sleeve anyway.

Someone was trying to sell a guestbook the other day. I picked it up on the cheap, so if any of you all are planning to visit this year, I’ll be in the log cabin outback. - Social distancing measures may or may not apply, check with your health minster who may or may not be on vacation in Costa Rica.  

Here’s to another year… oh the joy oh the bliss.  :P

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Falcipennis Canadensis

It’s probably not a good idea to start writing an article that will never resolve itself. Isn’t content creation the art of pawning off honey flavoured spread? Just like the prairie chicken that visits my yard each and every year, I can’t help but feel like even the best ideas are permeated with undesirable regurgitations.

Why do we pay eco fees on bottled water, when the bottles are made from recycled material? It seems as though this big push toward sustainable living is mostly theory riddled with impracticalities. Youtube provides a small glimpse into the lives of many of these adventurous types, but in recent days you’ll discover that they’re starting to drop like flies. They blame it on burnout, and the decreased revenue from their channels since the tube has been restructured. Keeping those sponsors happy, must be awfully stressful; maybe life on the grid wasn’t so bad after all.

What I’m trying to say is that I have quite a bit of respect for the people who post great content without any regard for whether or not they stand to profit by it. Anyone who says that they are passionate about educating people… is really saying they are in the business of monetizing their product. Not much different than televangelists if you ask me. It's not that I have a problem with upgrading to 4K, and I understand that you can only do that if you are generating revenue.I don't much appreciate the notion of catering to an agenda.

I also watched part of the grey cup game today, and got thinking about the millions of dollars that our province pays our team to keep losing every year. I couldn’t help but think that even though its “unsustainable”… and finding a free online stream took quite awhile. Nevermind. Haha

This blog post will mark 10,000 views. Most of which come from our good friends in Russia, apparently.
Привет а также благодарю вас.
Thanks everyone for your encouragement, and for taking the time to read my ramblings.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Obsequious Hubris

It seems like it has been an awful long time since I have had a chance to sit down and write anything that is worth showcasing. I’m not yet sure what I will talk about today, but in the spirit of the holidays I will try to keep it short and sweet.

I went downtown on Dec. 26th, thinking that I could maybe pick up a few Christmas lights at a discount, but all of the stores were closed. I guess that’s one of the realities of living in a small town. Family is more important than the biggest retail sales days of the year. - Either that or everyone is at home digging into the homemade eggnog.

One day I happened to walk by the TV, when a caller addressed the hosts of the show with “Merry Christmas, and I don’t care if you’re Christians or not.” It’s one thing to choose tradition over political correctness; it’s quite another to rub it in someone else’s face.

I’m not much into making New Year’s resolutions, but I do have a friend who made it their goal to read 60 books each year. I decided to attempt half of that. I usually come close to hitting my goal, and it helps to keep me on the hunt for new and interesting books to read.

I’m beginning to suspect that 2017 will be the death of Facebook. *When you post a status update of 35 characters or less, the update is assigned the larger font by default. Lovely.   -Everything else is just advertisement, but you don’t need me to tell you that.

Twitter will survive, because Trump won’t without it. -America won’t be great again, and it likely won’t get any better, but perhaps I don’t care anymore.

I’ve just about run out of predictions, which is fine, because it reduces the odds that I could be wrong.


There is such a thing as raw, unalloyed, agenda-less kindness.  - David Foster Wallace

Looking out into it the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations. - Alan Watts