Thursday, December 31, 2020

Carassius Auratus Paeluis


This isn’t so much a blog as it is a memorandum for the remnant. The world is changing and it’s hard to just sit by and watch it fall apart. I don’t care what your opinion is on the matter… it’s wrong, plain and simple. There are probably people who have and will be able to predict what is about to happen with some degree of accuracy, but that is as good as it’s going to get.  

Self-sufficiency, anti-fragility, and resiliency are the buzzwords of the day. Each one of those things would inspire the world to action if it weren’t for Anne Frank. Locked down for years, eating nothing but beans only to be hauled away and burned. If the earth is flat or round it doesn’t much matter because you can’t fly around or across it right now without your immunity badge pinned to your sleeve anyway.

Someone was trying to sell a guestbook the other day. I picked it up on the cheap, so if any of you all are planning to visit this year, I’ll be in the log cabin outback. - Social distancing measures may or may not apply, check with your health minster who may or may not be on vacation in Costa Rica.  

Here’s to another year… oh the joy oh the bliss.  :P