Sunday, November 4, 2012

Friends, Family, and Broken Hearts.

Normally I like to write a blog... and then wait several days before I put the finishing touches on it. Today I am writing free style. I would like to dedicate it to my friends Lesha and Elena. Both of them have experienced the loss of a parent to cancer.

Perhaps the hardest part to understand is how it can so quickly overtake an otherwise healthy person. Everyone knows that eventually they will probably have to lay their parents to rest, but nobody thinks expects it to happen until they themselves get old.

There are a thousand things that could be said about the meaning of life and it's paradoxical relationship with death. However, we would be no closer to figuring it all out even if we were to search out the answers for a millennium. I think we think that our hopes have the power to change the world. They do, but only in the sense that if hope is lost, than so is all else.
Why bother to hope at all? It's rather like playing on a sports team. It is the hardest thing in the world to walk out on to the field, and pretend that you have a fighting chance when you know that you're going to be destroyed, but you do it anyway. The reason is simple, the odds of winning the game can never be better or worse than 50/50. Life is exactly the same way... we play out our roles as best as we are able... and the rest is determined by factors that we are unable to alter.

Head up, Shoulders back. Life is winnable... and I want you to know... that you are important to me... and that even though all the sympathetic gestures in the world don't seem to ease the pain... there is assurance in this: Everything has it's time and place... and we get to choose what we're going to do about it.