Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Counting Crows + Other Things

It’s not very often that I write a blog out of compulsion, but being that it’s the first day of 2014, I feel as though I don’t really have a choice.  I was rather hoping to take a departure from some of my previous themes, but already I’m having difficulty withholding mention of my personal belief that choice doesn’t exist.  However, I will not pursue this path any further right now; doing so would nullify each and every one of the resolutions that all of you have so recently made.  – I will gladly open this topic up for debate in a month or two… just to see how well those resolutions are working for you!

Ever since making the transition from boyhood through adolescence my favourite part of the Christmas Holidays has been spending time with the friends who I don’t get to see very often. This time around was great, the only problem is that I was exposed to the gaping reality, which can only be described as my own demise. On two separate occasions the people I was conversing with challenged me by saying three very terrible words. “You’re getting old!”

Those weren’t their exact words, but they certainly didn’t bother to sugar coat them.  I’m actually thankful that they felt it necessary to be the goad that provokes me to take some sort of action. The truth is that they’ve heard me tell them about all sorts of thing that I would like to do someday, and they decided that it was time to give me a healthy dose of reality.

1. When the hue of truth comes shadowing over our bright ideal planet, it will not seem the planet’s fault, but truth’s. Reality is the offender, delusion the treasure that we are robbed of. Then begins with us the term of willful delusion, and its necessary accompaniment of the disgust of reality…

2.  Possession without obligation to the object possessed approaches felicity.

-The Egoist, by George Meredith. 

Thus the world turns… and there are no guarantees that I will vanquish it… but rest assured… there’s a certain sense of fulfillment in knowing that the entertainment aspect, which I’ve so carefully cultivated, is essential to the mastery of the finer points of “the game.”  -If I were to divulge the particulars… it would be only to sacrifice one of the (many) perks of being a wallflower…     

Happy New Year! 


If you've never stared off into the distance then your life is a shame...

{The Circus is great... just remember to lock up afterwards.} 

or else
The elephants will get out and forget to remember what you said
The ghosts of the tilt-o-whirl will linger inside of your head
The Ferris wheel junkies will spin there forever instead

- Mrs. Potter's Lullaby, by the Counting Crows

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