Saturday, March 15, 2014

Effigial Anaglyphs

I’ve been searching for new sources of literary inspiration.  I very much enjoy the ebb + flow effect of free verse, especially when coupled with a smattering of quick wit. I have found a couple of notable authors in recent weeks, but it's not as easy as you might think.

I do like this one though:

the same strings of words cascade from between
your lips every time you open them but
it's because you lock your surreptitiousness
deep down in the back of your throat…. By anobrain

The trick about writing something unique is that you have to think like Cobain and sing off key like Carrabba.

we could plant a house, we could build a tree
in the places that you've come to fear the most.

Yesterday I came across a rather peculiar gallery. After reading two or three pieces, I was beginning to see a pattern of hollowness emerge. The author claims to be a “recovering purging-type anorexic.” 

The theme seems to be more common than I would have ever guessed:

We look for the “truth behind the lies” and the “soul that lives inside.”  We waste our time on creating grand illusions, but the only thing that anyone else ever sees is the monsters in the shadow play.  

Self perception is the most curious of things. It makes you and breaks you; there’s nothing in-between. 

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